Tuesday 1 March 2011

Back at College

It feels so weird to be back at uni after three months off. Sure, I’m probably the biggest dork in the world, but I was so looking forward to getting back into classes, and if I’m honest, halfway into the second week I’m still pretty thrilled to be back!

I was extra-keen to start my creative writing class, which I’ve been waiting a year to begin. We’ve only had one seminar so far but it looks like it’s going to be a fascinating course, and a great way to introduce me to new ways of writing (read: motivate me to actually make time to do some). This morning I even wrote three haiku. I’m not normally a fan of poetry in general, either reading it or writing it. I can appreciate it in its own way, but I’d sooner pick up a novel or read a short story than read a piece of poetry laden with metaphor and hidden meaning about life and the cosmos, but so far it’s not going to badly. To give you a taste of my newfound poetic voice, here’s a I wrote a haiku about the passing of time and growing older –


The pages turn, lines

grow deep and leaves fall as I

watch the calendar.

Pretty deep, right? Metaphorical? Imagery-filled? Commenting on the fleeting nature of life? Check, check, check. I am now a working poet, as per the requirements of the course. Looking forward to getting into more prose and short story work, but this is fun for now.

French and German are amazing fun, and I’m enjoying them immensely … especially French! I'm very chic and sophisticated. Hardy-har-har.

On the other end of the spectrum, Advanced Japanese is turning out to be a whole new level of difficult. I naively expected, after getting a Distinction in the Intermediate course, to be able to sail into Advanced, no worries. Boy, was I mistaken. Luckily it’s not only me commenting on the arbitrary and complicated nature of the text, and I’ve decided to give it until the end of March to decide whether to continue with it or not. If I drop it, it’ll add an extra year on the end because I have to do all the required units for a different major, most likely Writing or French. It’s a brown-paper-bag-moment, with me almost asphyxiating, whenever I think about it so I’m just focusing on the present right now.

I knew trying to do an Asian language was gonna come back and bite me in the behind. I think I need a lie down.

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